Betekenis van:
cubic metre

cubic metre
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • a metric unit of volume or capacity equal to 1000 liters




    1. Cubic metre
    2. Litre pure (100 %) alcohol m Metre m2 Square metre m3 Cubic metre
    3. having an internal volume of one cubic metre or more,
    4. mg/m3: milligrams per cubic metre of air at 20 °C and 101,3 kPa.
    5. The time equivalent (teq) needed to achieve ignition in one cubic metre can be calculated as follows:
    6. mg/m3 = milligrams per cubic metre of air at 20°C and 101,3 kPa (760 mm mercury pressure).
    7. The operating margin, gross of both variable and fixed costs, amounted to EUR 0,069 per cubic metre of gas sold.
    8. Net of the variable costs, the margin fell to EUR 0,040 per cubic metre (standard margin applied by the operator), which would be further reduced by the annual overheads (staff, maintenance and administrative costs), estimated at EUR 10000 per year.
    9. “stocking density” in the framework of aquaculture, means the live weight of animals per cubic metre of water at any time during the grow-out phase and in the case of flatfish and shrimp the weight per square metre of surface.
    10. In support of their arguments, the Italian authorities provided the Commission with estimates of the operating margin of an average operator, based on the costs calculated for a standard service station for the sale of natural gas as motor fuel connected to a pipeline with a normal pressure of between 5 and 12 bars. The operating margin, gross of both variable and fixed costs, amounted to EUR 0,069 per cubic metre of gas sold.